New Business Manager
10877 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 2005
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Main: +1 213 262 9272
Fax: +1 310 626 9708
Tony joined Seabury in January 2006. He analyzes and manages the services associated with various esoteric asset classes at Seabury including vehicle service contracts. He is currently managing the operations of SING, the servicing agent for SeaVS and is instrumental in originating insurance related products for securitization. Tony had been responsible for underwriting and pricing individual life settlement policies and he has an extensive background in the Life and Health Insurance industry dating back to 1998, working with the major life settlement brokers & providers to price and source life settlement policies and conduct in-depth analysis and risk assessments of the life expectancies of the insured parties. He oversaw the acquisition and disposition of such assets under management.